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Parties with a Peel

Comedy Singing Telegrams

(Also Known as Bananagrams)

Banana Lady singing telegram and roast

A fully costumed character or a gigantic seven foot banana presents a lively, happy, fun-filled, singing, dancing, "Toast" or "Roast" to your guest. An entire customized show is created from personal information you provide about your guest or occaision. The crazy character adorns your guest with a party hat, showers them with confetti and streamers, blasts them with noise makers and presents them with a fresh, ripe banana. Optionally, the character creates a delicious banana split with ice cream, bananas, syrup, whipped topping, nuts, and a cherry, then spoon feeds your guest! 10-15 Minutes

nurse harryNurse Nancy or Nurse Harry (not to be confused with a hairy nurse)

Armed with their Toys R' Us Dr. Kit, stethescope and clipboard Nurse Nancy or Nurse Harry comes running into the room screaming Medical Emergency, Medical Emergency, hurry before it's too late. You never know when they (recipient) turns the big 40 they can go just like that, and by the looks of you I got here just in time! Nurse Harry then proceeds to give them a checkup to make sure they're fit for their birthday. This character is a hoot and a surefire hit, especially for a 30th, 40th, 50th or 60th birthday.

copOfficer Schtupenheimer

This Officer shows up at the to make your recipient sweat! Whether it's late parking tickets, an expired license, or any other scenario we'll customize a fake arrest for this special occasion. Officer Schtupenheimer starts off very serious with charges against the recipient and threats of an arrest, then proceeds to rattle off a list of fun and zany charges created from information you give us on the party guest. Then it's time to celebrate the recipient's freedom and birthday, or anniversary…with a party hat, streamers, party blower and 2 songs sung while of course dancing with the recipients at the same time.

Nerdie Nathan

Nerdie Nathan can be a party crasher, long lost love, play the new employee, be a sales rep…we'll help customize the right scenario for your occasion. This character is very versatile and a total scream! Of course your recipient still receives the 2 songs getting your recipient and the whole audience involved dancing and clapping along, the party blower and streamers!

Bumbling Waitress

For restaurants this character poses as the real waitress who ends up screwing up the food service with pratt falls, spilling the bread basket... and finally breaks down because it's her supposed first day on the job. This one is really fun!!

Fake Party Guest

This character pretends to be an old friend of the guest of honor and proceeds to go on & on about their past together (based on info you give us). The look on the recipient's face as they are trying to recall who in the world is this person is priceless.

Cowgirl Sal

Decked out in country western attire, Cowgirl Sal roasts your recipient in the western theme with all the country sayings and songs.

Fake Job Applicant

Applicant shows up very conservatively dressed to the interview and half way through either has a nervous breakdown, goes crazy or both, client's choice. This one is a great practical joke or good telegram for the boss's birthday.


Treat your employee or employees for a special occasion or going above and beyond with a fun and wacky crazy reward that's fun for the whole office. We customize the reward to fit your recipients (s) and occasion. This is what one happy customer said about the crazy reward they gave their entire staff!

Our office employees were sure surprised when the "Efficiency Expert" we had hired to talk to them turned out to be the Banana Lady! She put on her big spectacles, checked her clipboard carefully and informed our staff that they were outstanding at meeting their deadlines and had a great work ethic. The Banana Lady was prompt and enthusiastic and had everyone laughing, wearing balloon hats, and doing the Banana shake. It was a great way to loosen up before their surprise spa trip.

- Joe Gallina, CEO, the Gallina Companies

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